Friday, October 18, 2019

drive, knit, sub

*On the first day of autumn I drove to the old and new. South to a bookstore surrounded by ornamental grasses. Westward past a res losing water. Up into my favorite canyon, red walls, castle rock formations, blossoming rabbit shrub, llamas, down into the res valley.

* It is disconcerting to be misinterpreted and necessary to remember that people translate according to their own vision. My query into which hand the knitters sitting at my table use to move the yarn disintegrated into one lady thinking I was judging the knitters when I was merely curious about the predominance of left or right. I am a curious person and I have no agenda, truly.

* I like to have subcategories of seasons. Today we are in the 'leaves dancing on the roadway' part of  autumn.

* I am in love with my vaporizer.