Saturday, June 27, 2020

much to report

* Maybe working on little things as dutifully and honestly as we can is how we stay sane when the world is falling apart.  Haruki Murakami

* Lavender cut to dry on my desk, the book table, in the bathroom. When I walk by I activate the air and I am engulfed in sweet lavender aroma.

* Patient morning dogs who wait while I toddle to the back door to let them out. 
The one who sleeps on my bed corner was watching me wake up this morning so we reclined there communing until his stomach growled.

* A room mate who sets mouse traps and empties them. Why are mice coming into the house in June? They usually wait until the deep fall cold weather invades us. 

* Joan Hickson's interpretation of Miss Marple. I have never viewed the complete series so this is a jolly treat. The props, the set details are delightful. The period clothing. I want to be Joan's Miss Marple. Anyone for a cuppa?

* I paused my writing of Gems because I felt rather like a tree falling in a forest with no evidence of a human hearing the sound. However just today I received a hint that people do read my words.

* When the trees are delivered the guys notice the lilac in bloom. We trade understanding looks when one mentions the delight when the breeze circulates lilac aroma as we sit quietly in our gardens.

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