Thursday, November 12, 2020

seat, truth, edge, tongue, fresh, Fred, finished

 * A soft seat by the winder. Sun streaming through cold panes. Dogs beside edging for a spot with a view. The view for me...desert glow shed, round smooth rocks, dried penstemon asleep for the winter, brown leaves dressed trees. For them the view of a squirrel's (or squirrels's) nest way up high in the crabapple tree. The hope of spring and rebirth set on the shelf. The rhythm of life.

* Country music:"three chords and the truth"

* "We never step into the same river twice."

* "talked off the edge of a tantrum"

* Tongue stripping fresh pineapple. "Just another piece." Then, "Yipes!!"

* A fresh pot of cranberries bubblin'.

* Fred Rogers:"Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else."

* "The only thing that has to be finished by next Tuesday is next Monday."

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