Sunday, September 13, 2020

circus, mag

 * Every morning a circus arrives at my house. Well, I've never actually been to a circus but I am a well read circus attender. Dogs. Dogs which seem to have multiplied overnight. I do have just two but their stunts and enthusiasms of mornings lead my eyes closed brain to believe in overnight exponential multiplications. Anticipated food seems to be one element of their enthusiasms. But, what can explain their excited cavorts in  dashing out to the wet and cold? At some architectural epoch narrow hallways were drawn. I walked through many old narrow hallways in Scotland so there must be a long history to them. I write of passages so narrow that a short armed woman (me) has not enough room to angel stretch her arms owing to the bumping of walls. (My short arms challenge knitting patterns.) I live with a narrow hallway. Thus, my litany (do you have morning litanies?) to avoid trips sounds "Outta da way", "I'm walkin here.", "Watch it! Watch it!". And that is just on the tottle to the dog grub. I keep the litanies clean owing to the idea that I endeavour to present a dignified, cultured presence to my lodger. I think I have fooled him. So. A circus every morning.

* Confession: I have  a not cheap subscription to a British magazine because I enjoy the smell of the pages. Okay...the pictures are purty, too.

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