Monday, September 21, 2020

shower, dog, hair, vet, nose, put, forgive

 * A new showerhead.

* The dog sat on my glasses. You do not want to know.

* I got a haircut. First since Feb.

* The ruffling sound of a dog rearranging the bedding (mine).

* A trusted vet who diagnoses using an email photo.

* "You have Grampa ______'s nose." Looking at the small screen at the bottom, by golly, I do. He had his mother's and she had her father's. Did her father have his mother's?

* "Don't put off 'till tomorrow what you can do today." What?? Putting off is my favorite thing.

* Forgiving, mostly dead people, helps me breathe more deeply. Still living people have the chance for, "I'm sorry" still. Yom Kippur next week.

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