Thursday, October 8, 2020

Geraldine, Fred, bugs, relief, pass, MO, gee, dictionary

* Geraldine Granger dancing in a pink tutu.

* Fred Thursday.

* Ambushed by the flowers at the market, I succumb.

* Three Terminex vans in a row at a traffic light:"We're gonna get them nasty bugs!"

* Relief that someone I know decided not to travel.

* 'Pass Me By' "So tell the whole wide world, if you don't happen to like it; deal me out, thank you kindly, pass me by." I sang 'damn world' in the shower this morning.

* Molly. A dog with an MO.

* Being content and happy for no reason. "Hmmm...Why am I happy. Golly gee. I just am!"

* I have a live dictionary in the basement.

* So weird..Later I watch a video of a little boy with a chickpea stuck up his nose. The doctor wedges it out. I dissolve in tears. Any little victory means much today.

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