Monday, October 5, 2020

October, vapor, disagreement, Sitwell, Van Gogh, sunflowers

 * I dream of collecting  tangly, viney, delicate bittersweet, in home to drape it around my rooms. I want to reach, stretch high for persimmons. Persimmons to be carried home for puddin'. I long to open milkweed pods to set free their pure white  silk. To watch the silk float on the October air. 

* Hugging the cool mist vaporizer for a soothing of wildfire smoke irritated membranes.

* Reading 'How to Have a Disagreement Like an Adult'. Nine items but at the end of the first 'If you decide to do this item you do not have to read the remaining items'. I decide on the first but continue reading, with curiosity.

* Edith Sitwell:My personal hobbies are reading, listening to music, and silence.

* Michael Lipsey:If I say Vincent Van Gogh, do you think of 'Starry Night' or the bloody ear?

* Me, I see the sunflowers.

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