Tuesday, September 29, 2015

fresh, relief, slogan, old news,across

* I tiptoe out having let the dogs run and then fed them. I am delighted to see the water on the grasses at the front of the house. The air, the air. So fresh.

* "You absorb news so calmly--not like people from the east."
It is not calmness, it is relief.

* She bought me a wooden board with a slogan on it.

* We talk of my 50,000 units of vitamin D. "Oh, it was pea size with little satellites hovering around it. Aggressive." All said in an underdramatic way--almost a postscript. Said long after the fear and anxiety have dissipated and I can say it nonchalantly to downplay that chapter.

* Looking across the table at two of my children and feeling great, great pride.

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