Sunday, February 4, 2018

twigs, movie

* On my way out of the market I see the twisted willow twigs (I love twisted willow twigs). "I've got to go back in and buy some. They might be all gone when I come back!!" Giggle. Giggle. Imagining a blood thirsty horde of shoppers converging on the florist section choosing all the twisted willow twigs.

* Alone (but not lonely) to a movie. The snow swirls in circles (northern hemisphere circles) as I open the door. The theater is tiny and fresh smelling. My sinuses never clog up here. The previews and then....darkness. A magical, well done story is woven. Just me and the story and the brilliant actors, script and costumes, the beautiful costumes. Though not my favorite fashion era, I am struck by the simplicity of the post war styles. While the credits scroll the people seated behind analyse the "H" out of this beautiful movie. I know I am happiest alone, not wanting to share this experience in a manic pack animal way. I notice the beauty of the city as I drive home and the glow continues until I tuck into bed with furry animals.

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