Saturday, January 9, 2021

words, Wigstown, masks, James, settlement, Carey, Firth, watch, market, house

 * I like the sounds of words. Not the definition. Not the political shadows of words. Not the emotional value of these words. Any words in any languages. TROTTOIR, PARAPLUIE, OY VEZ, UMLAUT, SCISSORS, SAYONARA. And British place names....more later. QUALMS

* I want to move to Wigstown, Scotland=bookstores galore. There is also a shop named 'A Box of Frogs'

* Face masks make lovely slingshots.

* Henry James : Never say you know the last word about any human heart.

* "human settlement in Scotland" So, are there any animal settlements on a map?

* Carey Mulligans dimples.

* C. Firth : Qualms are enticing.

* I on a past day watched many rememberings (cannot say 'remembrances' which I believe to be warm and fuzzy things) of Holocaust livers (do not like the word 'survivor'). Tova Friedman, wow.

* In the mere light I climbed into my clothes and attacked the market. Horizontal snow blowing, the only car on the streets, sole shopper, loved it. I keep several blue IKEA bags in my car and load everything purchased into them having carried them around empty through the market. Though stuffed full, they are never too heavy to lift into my car, something I reassure the bagger in the market is possible. At home again, the slamming of the car door energizes the yellow dog  into maniacal barking which tips off my room mate that serious toting into the garage is needed. (I think he likes to see what I've bought.) Cozy on the sofa, aromatic dogs on either side, much biscotti dipping into chai, I listen to Fran Leibowitz.

* Does England continue to name houses? Rose Cottage, Downton Abbey. I decided on a name for mine. 'Midden House'

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